Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rereading the past

I was just clicking through the past entries and there's a theme here. One step into intimacy and then three steps back. I'm like that little kid who stands at the edge of ocean watching the waves get closer to shore then running back as the water hits their toes.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Reclaiming Kelly

No, I won't apologize for not keeping this up-to-date but I will say that a lot of learning has been going. Now I'm ready to claim, or more importantly, reclaim this blog as an express of myself. Just clearly me. Clearly Kelly.

I say reclaim because that's what it is. The struggles listed here are still the same. The issues that are at the core of my being are the same. I know my own bullshit and my own wounds. That's a great place to be. The yin to my yang balancing on hope that the future will be closer to my liking.

So here I am. Just me. Ready to share the journey from now on.