Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Journal Entry 1 - The Star

Yes, I'm attempting to journal. One of those gratitude journals that help me recognize my own inner strenght and such. I'm bartering with a life coach in exchange for my marketing expertise and she's "making" me do my homework and admitting to myself that I need to appreciate myself more.
So for the next two weeks, everyday, I have to come up with five things that I am grateful for about myself. So here's the first shot:
1. I'm learning to respect my feelings.
2. I'm opening up a lot more to others.
3. I've led myself to this place of healing.
4. I trust I can mix my own remedies for healings.
5. I know, at my core, I am a good person.
Well that wasn't so hard now was it? It's amazing that say, ten years ago I couldn't have made this list. It's nice to be able to make it now.

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